
Showing posts from October, 2022

Oct 31

 Today we read a book called “The Color Purple” and took notes on it. The story so far was pretty interesting in a bad way. The main character who is a young woman wasn’t allowed to do a lot of things because of her father. She wasn’t allowed to go to school since she was told she was too dumb. She also isn’t allowed to tell people the things that she wrote in her letter to God. What really make me feel bad for her is the fact that incest and rape was being preformed on her at the same time and multiple times. She even eventually got pregnant twice and messed up her internal body.

Oct 31 bellringer


Oct 27

 We did a kahoot on the story we were reading about for the past week. I did decent on it but I didn’t make it to the podium. On the bright side, I think I’m going to pass the test and today went smooth since the class lasted for about 45 minutes.

Oct 26

 Today was a pretty smooth class period. We wrote another set of words and did an exercise on them. After that we answered the questions on the story,”The Life You Save May Be Yours”. And ended the day off that.

Oct 25

 Today in class we finished read the story we read yesterday. After we watched the filmed version from teens on it as well. I somewhat got a good laughs out of it despite there was some out of pocket moments. A few minutes later, we took our vocabulary test. Fortunately I got a 100 on the test that I didn’t even study for.

Oct 24

 Today we read a story called “The Life You Save May Be Your Own”. I couldn’t really comprehend it to give a full description of it but we had to write important things down such as the characters, quotes, events, and even unfamiliar words. One thing I remember is that one character the old woman, was built like a fence and the daughter was deaf.

Oct 21

 Today we took a test on a passage on illuminate. I started off having problems since I was taking it on my phone and I couldn’t see the questions. But fortunately, it was later fixed by the teacher taking a picture of the questions.  The test went okay but I wasn’t able to finish 15.

Oct 19

 Today in class we read a small passage called “if dress code doesn’t suit teens, the school district will”. It was created in 2008 and it was about the dress codes in Gonzales Texas. When grades 5th-12th violated the dress code they have go home and change their clothes, request a suspension, or wear blue coveralls. Which makes them look like convicts. Later on we took notes on arguments and wrote and example of a body paragraph together.

Oct 18

 Today in class we read and cited at another passage that pertained to distractions causing car crashes. In the passage, it stated the main reasons in today’s world gets in car crashes. Texting on the phone, talking loudly and driving while drowsy or sleepy are the main reasons why car accidents occur. I’ve learned that to prevent from an accident happening, don’t do those things while driving. Later on, we ended the class by doing some pages in the work book.

Oct 14

 Today in school I started off taking a benchmark. Unfortunately I couldn’t finish it due to me falling asleep. After that I had a typical time in 2nd and 3rd pd. Right after 3rd pd, I had to go to the band room to prepare for the pep rally. After the pep rally I went home.

Oct 13

 Today in class we analyzed a poem called birches. The poem was created by a successful poet named Robert Frost. It was basically about a person that wanted to start over and wanting to go back to their childhood. It was a good poem but I could understand it better if it was a shorter poem.



Oct 5 blog

 Today it was a chill and tranquil day two of my teacher were out and I took a nap during one of those classes. In fourth period, most of the class really didn’t do didn’t do anything. Some people started on their poems and others such as me finished it at home.

Oct 4 blog

 In class, we watched a good portion of the film version of fences and it was not so much as what I expected it to be. One thing that caught my eye Bono. I anticipated him to be on the heavier side, however I didn’t know that he was on the lighter side of skin complexions. Another thing were the personalities and the demeanor of the main characters. Troy didn’t seem like a grumpy old man, but instead tend to smile a lot. And as for Rose, she was more laid back and calm than I thought she was going to be. 

Oct 3 blog

 Today we finished the play fences. If I had to give a review of the play I would say it’s a good play. However there was a lot of unanswered questions. Such as, “how did Troy die?“, or “what happened with in those past 7 years since Cory has been kicked out?”. But with all that being said, the character have nice personalities that’s are suited for them and it was a nice plot.