
Dec 9

 Today in class we still didn't do any learning. It was another free period and it was pretty fun. My classmates came up with a game that similar to a challenge called the "Micheal Myers Challenge". But instead of attempting to open a door before the "killer" gets you, you have to rush to a specific outlet and plug the phone in the charging port. They also added different levels to it; to when you even have to plug the cord into the block.

Dec 8

Today we really didn't do anything today. It was basically a free period. But it went smooth.

Dec 7

 We did the first part of the milestone and relaxed in class

Dec 6

 Today it was a virtual learning day. All I did was do my work for previous classes.

Dec 5

 Class was pretty smooth today. We first went over how to use the Georgia milestone program to do the test. Then, we looked at some testing strategies. Such as skipping questions when you don’t know them and coming back to it when you’re finished all the the questions on the test. And getting a good nights rest before test day. The last thing we did was do a 3-2-1 on this video about stress. From the video, I learned that stress can be used as energy in a positive way.

Dec 2

 Today was an extremely smooth and brief day. All we did was take small notes about process of elimination and doing multiple choice questions as a class. When we were done, he let us have the rest of the class to ourselves.